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| Features
Features: |
- Multilanguage Support (easy to add a new Language)
- define own Status (Holidays, Ill, School and so on)
- descrption of the runing Day (what have i done ....)
- Multiuser
- admin, user rights
- hours of the runing Year
- hours of the runing Month
- jump to later/early Day/Month
- open Hour, close Hour (abate from Admin (Manager ...))
- add/edit/del user
- view from selected user the Entrys, close/open
- export Language to File
- import Languagefile
- translate new Language
- update online the Language
History: |
For those of you who are interested in how Gaphor develops, here's a list of major changes in each release. |
Relase 1.2 |
- Multilanguage Support (easy to add a new Language)
- export Language to File
- import Languagefile
- translate new Language
- update online the Language
Relase 1.1 |
- AdminFrontent
- add User
- edit User
- del User
- open Hour from user and set satatus open/close Hour
Question or anythinkelse to: f l o @ t u x e m p i r e . d e